Replacement and Refunds

If I request for a replacement, when will I get it?

You need to email at  for replacement of item/course within 1 day of ordering.

The process of replacement will be initiated after the receipt of email. Please check the SMS & email we send you for your replacement request for more details.

Can items be returned after the time period mentioned in the seller’s Returns Policy?

No, seller will not be able to accept returns after the time period mentioned in the seller’s Returns Policy.

How do returns work?

Once you raise a request, you’ll get an email and SMS confirming that your request is being processed. Based on the item, your request may be automatically approved or you may be contacted for more details. If the request is approved, you will get a replacement of your own choice of similar value.

Refund request

When you buy our products/services, your purchase is not entitled for any refund. If you buy any online batch/service, it is non-refundable. If you purchase any batch by mistake, you can request to change it to another batch of the same amount within 10 days of the purchase. We recommend you to first check the complete system and then decide to make a payment in case of books. If the product received is damaged/lost by the courier partner, the student is entitled for a replacement. However, in case of wrong address given or books not accepted by students the purchase will not be entitled for any kind of refund.